Study Smart for Exams with ReviseWell
For Students: Make revision fun and effective with gamified learning. Challenge friends, stay motivated, and receive tailored AI feedback aligned for personalised support. Also, lots of monkey action.
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For Teachers: Gain more insights into your exam classes and save time with automated formative feedback. Gain actionable insights into student progress.
Comprehensive Features
For Teachers and Students
Questions Sorted by Topic
Find questions by topic and subtopic effortlessly.
Easy Test Creation
Create custom tests with ease.
Structured Quizzes
Enhance learning with block format quizzes.
AI Marking Features
Get instant and accurate AI-powered marking.
What Our Customers Say
Your Questions Answered
1. How does ReviseWell help students?
ReviseWell provides instant feedback on past paper questions, helping students quickly assess their understanding and identify areas for improvement.
2. What features are available for teachers?
Teachers can create tests, receive instant AI marking, and use grade analysis tools to monitor student progress.
3. How can I join the ReviseWell community?
Simply enter your email to join our community and stay updated with the latest features and tools.
4. How does the AI marking feature work?
Our AI marking system provides accurate and instant feedback on submitted answers, saving teachers time and effort.
5. Is there support for language learning?
Yes, we offer advanced features for English and MFL to help students practice and improve their language skills.
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